Join DSF for Storytelling Sessions

As our community knows, rare diseases don’t receive as much attention from researchers or funders like diseases that affect larger populations. Most people do not know about Dravet syndrome unless they are directly connected to it in some way.

This is why DSF works so hard to raise awareness about Dravet syndrome, and why we need your help. By telling compelling stories and sharing the patient and family experience, we can share the many struggles that our patient community faces. It helps researchers and clinicians as they try to better understand Dravet syndrome; it helps families who are still in search of a diagnosis or new to this medical journey; and it expands awareness of the unmet needs of the Dravet community to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies as they work to develop new treatments.

To help our patient community feel more comfortable with sharing their story, DSF has engaged Julia Campbell to lead two webinars on storytelling for us this May. Julia is a nonprofit digital consultant, speaker, and author on a mission to make the digital world a better place.

Click below and register to join us live or watch sessions on-demand, then share your story this June during Dravet Awareness Month to help DSF raise awareness. There is nothing more powerful than the patient voice!

Named as a top thought leader and one to follow by Forbes and BizTech Magazine, Julia Campbell is a nonprofit digital consultant, speaker, and author on a mission to make the digital world a better place. Host of the acclaimed Nonprofit Nation podcast, she’s written two books for nonprofits on social media and storytelling, and her online courses, webinars, and talks have helped hundreds of nonprofits make the shift to digital thinking. You can learn more about Julia at

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