Dye it for Dravet is back!

Last year for Dravet Syndrome Awareness Month, we debuted Dye it for Dravet, after DSF Parent Ambassador Jen Kuhn and her hair stylist, Kelsi Morgan of PRIM Beauty Bar, came up with the idea for this fun and colorful fundraiser.

This June, the challenge is back for the bold and the brave who want to raise funds and awareness for DSF with color! Registration is free. After you register, you will be given your own fundraising page to tell your story and why you are raising money for Dravet syndrome research. Share with family and friends for support, and encourage them to join the color wave as well!

Once you raise your goal, then it is time to DYE IT FOR DRAVET! Dye your hair, beard, or mustache purple to show you are committed to DSF’s fight for a cure. If you raise $500 or more, you will earn 50 Dravet Dollars for use in our online store.

Register today! Be sure to share your photos on social media with the hashtag: #dyeitfordravet and tag us @curedravet.

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