Give Up Your Cup for the Dravet Syndrome Community

Our annual Give Up Your Cup virtual fundraiser asks you to give up your coffee, tea or other “cup” for one day, one week, one month or anything in between, then donate what you would have spent to DSF. You can help to raise funds and spread awareness by setting up a personal fundraising page, then challenge your friends to skip buying coffee for the week and use that money to help to support families living with Dravet syndrome. Challenge your friends to challenge their friends and let’s keep the challenge going!

This virtual fundraiser can be done from anywhere. Registration is FREE and donations are 100% tax deductible and you are giving kids with Dravet syndrome a chance by funding life-changing research.

We’ve brewed up three easy ways to participate in this yearly fundraiser:

  • Good to the Last Drop: Add up the monthly amount you usually spend on coffee, go to the #GiveUpYourCup site, and make a donation using the purple Donate button.
  • The Best Part of Waking Up: Set up a fundraising page to let other people know you\’re doing this, post it on social media or email it to friends, and ask them to #GiveUpYourCup with you. Raise $250 or more and earn a $10 Starbucks Card
  • Let’s Take a Coffee Break: Ask your office mates to support you and join your team. Teams that raise $2000 get a Dunkin Donuts gift card. Celebrate your team’s win with coffee and donuts!

We know that morning caffeine is precious, so we don’t ask you to give up your coffee grounds lightly. If the idea of forgoing that morning mocha is filling you with dread, we tip our mug to you and encourage you to make a direct donation TODAY. There are so many ways to support DSF. This March, the road to life-changing Dravet syndrome research will be paved with empty coffee cups. So #GiveUpYourCup and gain the knowledge that you made a “grande” difference!

Special thanks to Jazz Pharmaceuticals for sponsoring this year\’s event so that 100% of donations can go to Dravet syndrome research!

2022 give up your cup, purple aurora dsf fox mascot
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Celebrating 15 years of DSF

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