Smart Ways to Support DSF

As you think about your charitable giving this year, you might have additional opportunities to help reduce your taxes, while maximizing your support for DSF. Here are some ways to give back that are better than cash and will help you make the most of your donation.

Donor Advised Fund (DSF) Grants  

Donor Advised Fund (DAF) grants are an increasingly popular way to join us in the fight against Dravet syndrome – and there is a good reason! By giving through your DAF, you can use the funds you have already set aside to support and fund research immediately.

Stock giving

Donating appreciated assets avoids federal capital gains taxes and provides a federal income tax deduction for the current market value of the gift. Similar state tax benefits are also provided in most of the country. Most importantly, you will be making a powerful difference supporting affected individuals and families.

IRA giving

For DSF supporters aged 70.5 or older, IRA gifts present a powerful way to save while you give. Generally speaking, IRA gifts are always tax-free and can help you reduce your future tax burden, satisfy a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) if you have to take one, while raising funds for Dravet syndrome.

Crypto giving

Donating crypto to DSD is a powerful way to raise hope and change lives through research. When you donate crypto to charity, you can skip the capital gains tax and make a larger impact on our work. You may also receive a federal tax deduction against your income tax for the full value of the gift. 

It’s important to recognize that while there are various ways to make charitable gifts, they don’t make sense for all donors. Before undertaking any of these giving strategies, you should consult your legal, tax, or financial professional. Each of the strategies, properly employed, represents a tax‐advantaged way for you to give more to DSF.

Learn more and get started at this link.

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