Looking Forward With Gratitude and Hope

The holidays are a time to be grateful. During this special time of year, it is also a time of great hope as we look ahead to 2022. This coming year holds the promise of new opportunities and exciting advances in the field of Dravet syndrome. While we expect there will be challenges, I know we will face them together as a unified community.

Without our patient families and extended community, there would be no Dravet Syndrome Foundation. It is your engagement that has allowed DSF to flourish and take on new challenges.

My wish for the New Year is continued growth of the Dravet syndrome community and advancements for our patient population. For each new and different opportunity that arises, DSF and our community will be there. We are involved. We are informed. We are strong. We are making a difference.

Thank you for your involvement in DSF and your commitment to our community. Wishing you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year!

Happy New Year DSF
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