2021 Dravet Remembrance Wall

Beginning in 2021, each year DSF will recognize June 15th as Dravet Remembrance Day to allow us to remember all of those who we have lost to this disease.

Bereaved families are invited to share the names of their deceased loved ones who have passed away as a result of Dravet syndrome for inclusion on DSF\’s Remembrance Wall. This virtual wall provides a place and a way for families, along with our community, to remember and honor their loved ones forever.

Dravet Remembrance Day will be a time for our community to reflect and remember those who we have lost to Dravet syndrome. On June 15 at noon ET, DSF Board Member, Jenny Tischer, will read the names from the Remembrance Wall on Facebook Live. We encourage all of our community to join and share a few minutes of silence to remember those we have lost. After the reading of this year\’s names, the wall will be permanently housed on the DSF website.

You can add your loved one to the wall by registering here. Registered families will also receive a mailed card for Remembrance Day. #dravetremembranceday

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