Gloria Rodriguez

Gloria was born in Houston, Texas and grew up in South Houston. She graduated from Pasadena High School and while working with the public as a civil servant, she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from the University of Houston – Clear Lake. In 2023, she received a Master of Science in Health Studies degree from Texas Woman’s University. Gloria is also an Epilepsy Foundation Champion and volunteer.

Gloria has been married to her husband, Ascension, for 25 years and has 3 daughters, Jeston, Madlyn, and Grace. Grace was diagnosed with Dravet when she was a little over a year old and Gloria has been involved with DSF for over 8 years. Starting off in the support group, looking for advice and knowledge from the best source – other parents, and then hosting her first fundraising event “Paint and Sip for Dravet”. She then joined DSF as a volunteer Parent Ambassador briefly in 2018 and went on to host the Day of Dravet in Houston. Along with Ascension, they hosted Double Down H-Town for two years. Gloria is
proud to have taken part in the legislation for the Texas Compassionate Use Act, which passed in 2015, and the Bipartisan Epilepsy Caucus in Washington D.C. in 2024. She spreads awareness and advocacy when she can and recently did so through the “Caregiver Series with Greg Grunberg”.

In her spare time, Gloria loves to travel, practice yoga and work in her garden. She also loves and appreciates art and enjoys getting lost in museums. Gloria depends on the deep love of her faith and spiritual life that has led her to become a member of the DSF family. 

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